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Llegar, aterrizar, migrar. He ido tomando algunas notas visuales con el celular. El nuevo paisaje que tengo alrededor y también algunas notas sobre ser alien. No mucho más que decir por el momento, excepto que descubrí herramientas nuevas de edición en mi editor de mamis para hacer video collages. \n \n \n

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September 28th, 2023


Para conmemorar mi propio nacimiento me dispuse a hacerme un videito. Son 5 en verdad, cada uno de un minuto. El ejercicio fue simplemente mirar a la cámara por 1 minuto. 5 veces. ¿Sabes lo que pasa cuando uno se mira mucho rato al espejo? Empiezas a ver un mono. Eso lo escribió Sartre y se me quedó pegado cuando lo leí a los 15. Ahora ya voy por los 38.

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September 28th, 2023

Unsettling Grounds/ The Loom

Unsettling Grounds is a pilot platform showcasing experimental and monumental works by Black, Brown, Indigenous & rural artists. Lead and curated by Marisa Williams, fabricated by Dream Syndicate, and featuring work by Marie Tattiana Aqeel, Joumana Altallal, Myra Anderson, April Branham, Tanesha Hudson, Aidyn Mancenido, Alma Rayen Molina, Kweisi Morris, Adrienne Jacobson Oliver and Sandy Williams IV, with support from Amber Smith, Brandon Lee, and The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative. In direct collaboration with Joumana Altallal, we have established a link between the war and police uniforms produced by the Mill, as well as our personal biographical histories. These images were condensed in the Loom Monument.

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September 28th, 2023

The artist known as

Video and photo collage, 2023

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September 28th, 2023

AI Dark Mother

Digital Collage in collaboration with AI Image Creator (Stable Inpainting v2.0), 2023 Collaboration for the III Encuentro de Artistas Madres

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September 28th, 2023

De lo que no tiene lugar

Digital Collage Serie, 2022

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September 28th, 2023

Nuestra señora del Aseo

Digital Collage, Digital Photo 2023 Colaboration for the fanzine Mala Leche / Chispa Edition.

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September 28th, 2023

The Contusion Serie

Digital Collage Serie, 2022 I’ve been working slowly on these collages, based on photos I’ve been taking during the transition from summer to autumn in the city. Here, the autumn light has a quality that still surprises and fascinates me. I’ve kept the process of writing, like a diary, documenting how I’m feeling and basic things I’ve done. If I don’t do it, I completely lose track of my existence. The name of this series is “The Contusion” because it’s related to the fundamental questions of existence, the ones characters in soap operas always ask themselves once they regain consciousness after a blow: “Who am I? Where am I?”

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September 28th, 2023

Invisible Work (2022) Feminist Cookies (2023)

Art action that I have undertaken since I arrived in Charlottesville, United States. As a Chilean and Latin American woman, the March 8th commemoration has been a day to unite with other women and nurture the flame of the feminist movement. So, big was my surprise when I realized that in this small and predominantly white city, there is no commemoration of this day. In 2022, I reached out to all the women’s organizations I could find, but no one responded. Then, a couple of unexpected women stepped forward, and with their help, I was able to carry out the “Invisible Work” project. This action involved collecting to-do lists from anonymous women who sent me their lists through social media. These lists were written with chalk, creating a path on the sidewalk from the Community Chalk Board in Downtown Charlottesville to the former Bridge PAI building. In 2023, Feminist Cookies put on the Downtown some visual elements that we used in our Latin American strikes, also using the audio of

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September 28th, 2023

Mamá Astronauta/Astronaut Mom

Visual research project.La Serena, Chile 2019- Charlottesville, USA, 2022.Part 1: Serie 6 digital collages and 3 digital video collages.Part 2 (Landing): Digital video, installation, Performance, and public engagement device. Astronaut Mom” started as a game between my kids and me during the worst and most isolating part of the COVID pandemic. My older son and I took a serie of photographs using a toy astronaut helmet. Eventually, these games formed a collection of poorly focused, low-resolution, and crazy images, which became a way of poetic resistance, helping me to reframe the most difficult moments of my life as a mother. Through these pictures, I could reflect and begin a path to healing traumatic experiences related to obstetric violence, postpartum depression, and lonely, isolated maternity. Simultaneously, I could connect with the experiences of other moms and open the narrative. <<Mamá Astronauta__Digital Collages>> <<Mamá Astronauta__ Video Digital Collages>> <<Astronaut Mom__Landing>>Digital Video Astronaut Mom__Landing is the final chapter of the visual and collaborative investigation that concludes the “Astronaut Mom” series. Upon arriving in

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September 27th, 2023
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